RNZAC Pilot Proficiency

The Royal New Zealand Aero Club (the umbrella organisation that oversees the recreational side of Aero Clubs in NZ) has this Pilots Proficiency awards system that I might try to attain as high as my finances and personal minimums allow. I think right now I could possibly qualify for the Red Badge. Any of you Kiwi pilots lurking around here, I recommend checking it out.


Jack said…
Hey Euan...sounds similar (sort of) to the FAA Wings program here in the states. I did "Phase 1" (I think there are 20 or so) the last time I was due for my biennial flight review as achieving one of the wings program phases is a substitute. Since it involves attending a safety seminar and three hours of dual, I found it highly worth it. Of course, at the time, I was getting my complex endorsement in the Arrow so it was a win-win situation.

I don't know if you saw my reply in r.a.s but I've started a blog here as well. Yet another fun way to post about flying.
Flyinkiwi said…
Hi Jack! Good to see another pilot being infected with the blogging bug (or is it the other way around - I get confused sometimes ;) )

My personal belief is that anything that makes you a safer pilot is worth investing time, money and effort in as long as you get the most out of it.

I think it will be some time before I get a complex rating but I wouldn't rule it out.
Krishna said…
This is Krishna from India.
I happened to come to come to your blog through kiwi pilot by Aaron Martin.
I'm planning to take my flying training for my CPL in New Zealand.
I thought you can help me in getting a few queries solved about flying training in New Zealand.

If you can help me out, please mail back and I'll mail my queries.

Thanks for your time.

Flyinkiwi said…
Sure, thing Krishna. I am a bit loathe to put email addresses into comments since they are rather easily collected by spam bots so if you want to converse via comments thats fine.